
iPad Classroom Bundle

iPad Classroom Bundle
iPad Classroom Bundle
iPad Classroom Bundle
iPad Classroom Bundle
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For over 40 years, Apple has designed technology and services to help personalise learning. And we’re committed to making it easy for schools and institutions of all sizes to get iPad and Mac into the hands of students. That starts with support for IT in each step of the deployment, so every aspect of a school’s experience with Apple products can be as simple and intuitive as the products themselves.

Get ready for brand new iPad 1:1 Deployment, supported by your local Apple Experts at My Mac. 

The iPad Classroom bundle comes with the following:

Need flexible finance for your school? We're experts at Apple Financial Services. Apple Financial Services innovative lease options leverage the residual value of your Apple devices and often provide schools a lower overall cost when compared to traditional outright purchase.

From less than $500 per month, you can equip your students with the latest technology and your teachers with best practice PLD from Apple Professional Learning Specialist. 

Call our Apple Solution Expert Education team 03 9948 5050 to find out more.

